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CIA case officer Irene Bonelli's last rendition in Islamabad, Pakistan, ended in a cover-up and an involuntary transfer back to Langley. She soon learns that being assigned to headquarters can't hide the relentless lies and betrayals committed by her own government. After a clandestine meeting with a former asset, she is willingly thrust back into a life of dangerous liaisons and on the run from a hit squad of arms dealers.


On the edge of discovering the truth, she has become an expendable pawn in a world of conspiracies, money, and ego. Her journey overlaps the murder of her asset, now being investigated by Blake Dower, a veteran homicide investigator – and the man she left behind for a career with the CIA.


Drawn into the quicksand of deceit, Irene Bonelli must now rely on the trust of those she disappointed in the past and come to view a hidden assassin as an ally, rather than an enemy, to prevent the assassination of a world leader. But to expose the evidence in her asset's murder and capture those responsible, she must first inherit the resolve not to kill again.

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Praying Mantis Publications is proud announce the debut release of PLOWED, the first in a series of thrillers by Vance Hughes. Look for more of Irene Bonelli and the other cast of characters in a new release from her continuing series. 


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